PL Mount, Full Frame, T2.7, parfocal, compact & lightweight
This lens is designed to produce sharp images with minimal chromatic aberration and beautiful lens flares, making it a great match for many vintage primes
Bausch & Lomb Rehoused TLS Super Baltar – 6 Lens Set- 20,25,35,50,75,100mm
CANON FD (TLS) – 9 Lens Set / FF
Canon FD lenses re-housed by True Lens Services are available in nine focal lengths: 14mm f2/8, 20mm f2.8, 24mm f1.4, 28mm f/2, 35mm f2 (convex), 50mm f1.3, 85mm f1/2, 100mm f/2, 135mm f/2. These lenses are similar to K-35s.
IRON GLASS Soviet MK-II – 6 Lens Set / FF
New Full Frame, Mark II some are based on Carl Zeiss design, EF & PL Mounts FF & LF sensor coverage. Improved close focus distance. Used on Dune 2, 2024 Batman 2022. Demo these great lenses!
KINOPTIK 9.8mm Ultrawide (ZERO) / S35
This lens is ideal if you need an ultra wide angle lens to pair with many of our vintage lens sets. This vintage lens is one of the widest rectilinear lenses ever made. This is not a fisheye lens. The lens has no distortion at all, which is amazing considering its age, and speed. It’s quite sharp, but has some bloom wide open. Contrast increases when stopped down.
KONICA HEXANON (Ancient Optics / GL Optics MK-V) – 7 Lens Set / FF
The Konica Hexanons are a set of vintage cinema lenses rehoused in an anodized aluminum housing by Ancient Optics. They cover full frame sensors providing versatility and a smooth, even bokeh throughout the 8-lens set.
LOMO Square Front Anamorphic – 3 Lens Set / S35
Lomo Square Front Anamorphic Lens Kit includes 35mm, 50mm, and 80mm.
The famous LOMO Anamorphic lenses are legendary for their personality. These lenses are praised for their quirky, horizontal lens flare and fantastic shallow depth of field. Anamorphics work by “squeezing” the standard image into a skinnier image frame on an applicable 4:3 capable camera. (I.e. the Arri Alexa Mini). Then, “expanding” the image in post to give you…
MAMIYA SEKOR-C 645 / Speedboosted (GL Optics MK-V) – 8 Lens Set / FF
Gl Optics Rehoused Vintage Mamiya Sekor-C 645 Speedboost LPL Mount Full Frame
NIKON/NIKKOR AI-S (GL Optics MK-V) – 9 Lens Set / FF
Vintage Prime lenses rehoused by GL Optics.
The Vintage Nikkor lens set represents a unique combination of sharpness, creamy fall-off, and perfect bokeh elements. With today’s digital sensors, the lens becomes the predominant factor in the picture’s look (or quality). The Vintage Nikkor lenses gives qualities that help gain personality and favorable characteristics, especially in flesh tones.
VOIGTLANDER ZOOMAR (Ancient Optics / GL Optics MK-V) - 36-82mm FF
Voigtländer Zoomar 36-82mm T3.1. This is one of the oldest zooms ever designed for commercial still photography for the 135 format (Full Frame 36x24mm). It was released in 1959, and was incredibly advanced for its time. The images it makes are still impressive today.
Crucial for any cinema zoom lens, this lens is parfocal. It is sharp on center, with subtle fall-off towards the corners. The lens…
ZEISS B-SPEEDS (Ancient Optics / GL Optics MK-V) – 5 Lens Set / S35
The first and oldest generation of the legendary Zeiss "Super Speed" lenses, referred to as "B-Speeds". This set has been reimagined by @ancientoptics and rehoused by @GLOptics, while retaining both the original vintage coating that produces amazing flares, as well as the original rounded nine blade "triangular" iris design that gives a striking rounded triangular bokeh.
The famous Zeiss Super Speed Prime Lenses have been in use for decades, and are a great choice for many productions, adding experience and personality to the image. Their fast aperture of T1.3, small body and flattering image rendition, make them a favorite of many cinematographers.
The Mark III version improves on previous housings. They have a gear on the iris ring and a different focus helix thread that allows rotation of nearly a full…