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KINOPTIK 9.8mm Ultrawide (ZERO) / S35

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KINOPTIK 9.8mm Ultrawide (ZERO) / S35

This lens is ideal if you need an ultra wide angle lens to pair with many of our vintage lens sets. This vintage lens is one of the widest rectilinear lenses ever made. This is not a fisheye lens. The lens has no distortion at all, which is amazing considering its age, and speed. It’s quite sharp, but has some bloom wide open. Contrast increases when stopped down.


Product Content
FormatFocal LengthApertureClose FocusFront DiameterWeight (lbs)Physical lengthFilter Thread SizeMount Type 
Super359.8mmT2.8 (f1.8)7.75"114mm4.255.35"-ARRI PL