Call for Availability
• 119 User-Selectable Channels
• Balanced Mic or Line Level Input
• Switchable EQ Circuit for Speech Intelligibility or Full Range High Fidelity.
The BST-25 base station transmitter is a high fidelity IFB, cueing, and remote program monitoring transmitter. Designed to meet the high demands of the broadcast, film production, and live entertainment industries, the BST-25 may be used as a stand-alone type base station transmitter using the TWA-72 telescoping whip antenna extending from the top of the unit for portable use, or rack mounted and used with a variety of remote antennas for permanent installation in studios or ENG trucks.
Specs BST25 76-88 MHz
Audio Inputs:
• Mic: XLR 600 ohm Balanced -40 dBV (nominal)
• Line: XLR > 10 k ohm Balanced 0 dBV (nominal)
• Telescopic antenna mounts directly into top of transmitter
• BNC RF output connector for optional external antenna
RF Output Power: 50 mW for FCC Part 74
Operation Indicators:
• LED Bargraph VU Meter displays audio input (modulation)
• Two-Digit Alpha Numeric Display shows operating channel
• Five-Digit Numeric Display shows operation frequency
• Antenna indicator displays deficient antenna condition
• Lock-out Indicator shows tuning has been disabled
Power Requirements: 12 Volts DC, 300 mA max
Frequency Response: 80 Hz to 10 kHz
Modulation Limiter: Soft compressor type with high (25 dB) linear overload protection; attack time less than 1 ms; recover time 10 ms
Audio Gain Control: Greater than 40 dB
Test Tone Generator: 400 Hz 0.05% distortion
Frequency Modulation:
• 10 kHz deviation for narrow band channels
• 75 kHz deviation for wide band channels
Frequency Stability: Better than 0.002% digitally synthesized, crystal controlled
Operating Frequency: 76.2 MHz to 87.8 MHz
Harmonic and Spurious Emissions: Better than 55 dB below carrier
Dimensions: 6 1/2″ W x 1 3/4″ H x 5 5/8″ D
Weight: 44 oz.