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Sachtler Dutch Head 35 Attachment

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The Sachtler Dutch Head 35 Head Attachment features Sachtler's patented fluid damping and counterbalance systems. It features a cross-sliding plate, which uses a high precision dove-tailed guidance with a sliding range of 2.4". This allows you to balance the camera on the Dutch Head. The head is able to tilt the horizon, and features a scale on its right side, which shows exactly the degree of lateral tilt.

Frictionless Leak Proof Fluid Damping with Seven Levels of Drag

Sachtler's patented dampening system takes everything is stride. The individual modules are frictionless and contain no hydraulic oil. This means they are permanently leak proof. The dampening action offers you seven steps of drag, plus a zero setting for no drag. This allows smooth camerawork under varying conditions.

Touch & Go Quick Release/Automatic Locking System

Stop wasting time by fumbling around with clumsy attachments, or bother screwing the camera to head and then having to unscrew it again. With the Touch & Go system invented by Sachtler, the camera plate is secured to the camera, while the mating balance plate is mounted on the fluid head. All you need to do is slip the camera into position, engage the mechanism, and the camera is locked firmly in place, when finished just disengage the latch and go. When you set up the camera for the next shot you still have all the original settings. It features a safety lock lever that prevents inadvertent disengagement of the camera latch.

Sliding Balance Plate

The sliding camera mount and plate features a 2.4-inch sliding range, allowing you to balance the camera for smooth operation.

Eight Step dynamic counterbalancing system

Built with torsion springs the dynamic counterbalancing system compensates for torques as the camera tilts, preventing the camera from inadvertently tipping, and ensuring that it is positioned securely at any tilt angle. Freeing you to concentrate fully on your camerawork. These special springs can be activated and deactivated individually. Independent from the dampening system, they work silently and without the need for maintenance.

Safe at any temperature

Pressure or temperature does not influence the dampening system, as it has an operating range from -40°F to +140°F, and works without friction. Shoot wherever you want, from torrid heat to cold climates. Built-in bubble for horizontal leveling. Perfect match with the 9+9 fluid head, for 35mm motion picture film, and digital cinema cameras