“Growth is a combination of doing the right thing for the business and having the right people there to do it,” says Dave Talamas. “The most important thing, going forward, is that we make certain our quality is unsurpassed and our reputation is as solid as ever. It’s something we’re very proud of and we work very hard to maintain. That’s been the driving force behind Talamas since day one.”
Whether you're a professional soundman, cinematographer or videographer, Talamas understands the pressures you face everyday and is dedicated to provide customized and cost effective solutions for your every need. With tight deadlines and budgets, you can't afford to get the wrong gear for the job. So we're here for you, ensuring you get the equipment that fits your technical, creative and budgetary requirements. And if you have questions about operating gear, or need assistance troubleshooting, we'll take care of you calmly and competently.